About Us
The center was conceptualized by a group of serious and dedicated professionals who have agreed to team up and work seriously together towards a common goal of contributing to the realization of the ardently desired safer ships and cleaner oceans through quality training.
The name of the center is simple and indicative of the future. Meaning, the center shall satisfy the spectrum of training in the whole coverage and stretch of the meridian and be known for its international standards now and in the years to come. It shall also continually enrich its capacity to address future technological and nature requirements for the seafarers.
The Center was formally launched on 31 August 2007 and started its operation on 01 September 2007. Assessed and recommended for certification as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 by TUV Rheinland Philippines, Inc.

Our Vision
Vision: "We continuously evolve to be the Training Institution par excellence".
Our Mission
To be the Maritime Industry’s alternative provider that understand its exacting training demands;
To be the dependable source of training programs for the
enhancement of sea-based and land-based personnel’s qualification, competence, and sense of professionalism;
To be the clients’ trusted partner in their pursuit of a long-lasting career.
Quality Policy Statement
MERIDIAN, a training institution, espouses quality as a way of life, a culture, and a state of mind and is committed to working vigorously as a team in attaining its vision by meeting fully its customers and interested parties’ needs and expectations, satisfying applicable requirements, protecting and preserving the environment, and continually improving its quality management system.